SQL Optimization Techniques - cSharp Coder


cSharp Coder

Sharp Future

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SQL Optimization Techniques

 As a database developer/architect you may not want to tread the path that leads to the desk of the DBA. Fortunately, there is a bunch of things you can do to improve the runtime performance of your statements:

  • Optimize access structures:
    • Database design and normalization.
    • Tables: heap or index-organized tables, and table or indexed clusters.
    • Indexes.
    • Constraints.
    • Materialized views.
    • Partitioning schemes.
    • Statistics, including a comprehensive refresh strategy.
  • Rewrite SQL statements:
    • Exclude projections that are not required.
    • Minimize the amount of work done more than once.
    • Factor subqueries that are used multiple times in the same statement.
    • Use EXISTS instead of IN because the former stops processing once it has found a match.
    • Use CASE and/or DECODE to avoid having to scan the same rows over and over again, especially for aggregation functions that act on different subsets of the same data.
    • Use analytic functions to do multiple or moving/rolling aggregations with a single pass through the data.
    • Avoid scalar subqueries in the SELECT-list.
    • Use joins instead of subqueries, as it gives the optimizer more room to play around in.
    • Say what you mean and pick the right join: if you only need an inner join don’t write an outer join.
    • Add logically superfluous predicates that may still aid in the search for an optimal execution plan, particularly for outer joins.
    • Avoid implicit conversions of data types, especially in the WHERE clause.
    • Write WHERE clause predicates with a close eye on the indexes available, including the leading edge of a composite index.
    • Avoid, whenever possible, comparison operators such as <>NOT INNOT EXISTS, and LIKE without a leading '%' for indexed columns in predicates.
    • Do not apply functions on indexed columns in the WHERE clause when there is no corresponding function-based index.
    • Don’t abuse HAVING to filter rows before aggregating.
    • Avoid unnecessary sorts, including when UNION ALL rather than UNION is applicable.
    • Avoid DISTINCT unless you have to use it.
    • Use PL/SQL, especially packages with stored procedures (and bind variables) and shared cursors to provide a clean interface through which all data requests are handled.
    • Add hints once you have determined that it is right and necessary to do so.

The advantage of PL/SQL packages to provide all data to users is that there is, when set up properly, exactly one place where a query is written, and that’s the only place where you have to go to to change anything, should you ever wish or need to modify the code. PL/SQL will be in our sights in the next part but suffice to say it is the key to maintainable code on Oracle. Obviously, ad-hoc queries cannot benefit from packages, but at least they profit from having solid access structures, which are of course important to PL/SQL too.

One important thing to keep in mind is that you should always strive to write efficient, legible code, but that premature optimization is not the way to go. Premature optimization involves tinkering with access structures and execution plans; it does not include simplifying, refactoring and rewriting queries in ways that enable Oracle to optimally use the database objects involved.

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